I luv u

Sunday, March 05, 2006

I was reading the sunday times and sadden by the news that the missing 2-yr old kid was killed. The suspect is the stepfather! Shannon was beside me and I took the opportunity to tell her not to wander around. Showed her that the little gal got killed as she wandered out of the home. However, I did not really want to tell her that her stepfather killed her, so I made up a story that a stranger kidnapped and killed her. Shannon quietly nodded her head as I told her "Mummy can't lose you okie! So must always stick close to me when you are outside and hold mummy's hand". Again, Shannon said "yes Mummy and suddenly popped out "I luv you". How sweet! These days, she will suddenly blurt out "I luv u" to me. We had a good hug too :)

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With God's love, we have been blessed with three wonderful kiddos. I hope to jot down as many events and details as we journey along this life. One day, when the kids grow up, they have this space to refer to bring back many fond memories and laughter.

With love!

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