
Friday, March 03, 2006

Da dah, finally, with some cajoling from friends, I decided to launch a blog for my 2 darlings..Real hope that i have the determination to pull this through

Shannon is now 2.5yrs and Skyler coming to 10mths. The whole family just had a terrible episode of stomach flu virus namely Rotavirus. We had fever, diarrhoea and vommiting. After this horrifying virus, my chubby Skyler is no longer round.. see the before and after picture.
First time in 9mths+, he had a taste of other milk (to release his diarrhoe, we had to give him soy milk) other than mummy's milk.

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Hello! And thanks for visiting my blog!

With God's love, we have been blessed with three wonderful kiddos. I hope to jot down as many events and details as we journey along this life. One day, when the kids grow up, they have this space to refer to bring back many fond memories and laughter.

With love!

You can contact me here