SOT Graduation
Saturday, August 27, 2011Daddy has finally completed his six months intensive walk with God last Sunday. He has graduated from School of Theology (CHC bible school) last Sunday. No, Daddy is not switching his career to be a church worker nor he is aiming be a pastor. He went with the intention to root himself deeper in his walk with Christ. The year before, his business partner cum buddy attended SOT while he concentrated to manage his team and this year, vice versa. It's really a blessing that both servants of God can work together with shared vision and similar teachings.
During these six months, he had to
- finish reading the entire bible (he's still trying to complete....shhhh...)
- read 10 books and complete the books reviews (few books went untouched...shhhh...)
- prepare for preaching tests
- prepare worship and lead mock cell group
- involve in ministry practicum (He chose Kids@Play as his ministry and how aptly! Because he needed to reach the church early to set up and sanitise the playground, Shan and Sky also chipped in their part to serve! Through this, the kids understand the hard work behind each nice facade)
- complete one misson trip
Seriously, without God's grace, he wouldn't been able to do it. He's one guy that doesn't really read. Newspapers is all he manages and sometimes only the "Money" section. The only stuff he read is probably financial news and information. Once he hit the books, his head would swing all over the place. God is really needed in this area to perk him up in order to read.
And because of his faithfulness, God never fail us. How possible that with one breadwinner studying and another one staying at home, we can still feed the family of 6 (including our helper!)? But God is good (all the time), just into one week of his course, he closed few business deals that were worth six months' of family expenditures!
Over these six months, he was like a father brother to his teammates. He was put in this team where the mean age of the members is only 20s. He was perplexed initially why he was put together with a bunch of young chaps. But God had his plan, he knew that he was badly needed in this team to counsel and help some of them in financial means and provide stability to the team.
As for me, the wifey, at times, I would grumble on some of his actions - on why he needed to open our house for preaching tests and mock cells (that may disrupt the kids), on why he spent time on certain member that seemed so lost, on why he's forever so generous. But during these time, we communicated better and because of these many virtues, (that sometimes i treated as vices), I appreciated him better and knew how blessed I am. Our relationship grew a notch higher with more communication and the kids learnt more life lessons through his sharing. Congrats Daddy, for earning this due Advance Certificate of Theology. The kids were especially proud to see their Daddy donning the graudation gown and motar board.
My Mum and Sis came down to give their support too! Have been inviting them to church on few occassions and church mega events but they also refused. Hmmph..Thank god that they came this time round.