
Ballet Under the Stars 2011

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

We have been faithfully attending BUTS yearly with Karen's family. Unfortunately, Karen's baobei Charlotte was down with high fever the last minute and they had to break the tradition and missed it. But hey, this year, Allan's family joined us! 

This year BUTS featured the whole ballet performance to music by Tchaikovsky. Shan was looking forward to Swan Lake at the finale. Unexpectedly, Shan was down with mild fever in the noon and was abit lethargic. That did not diminish her mood of going to BUTS though.

As usual, before the show, the kids would go for face/hand painting.

Ever sweet looking bec bec with small flower

Sky asked for a dog, car and bear!

A green car to match the green crocs


Sky always relates BUTS to catching a fair bit of NDP's fighter jet. Understandably, he's not into ballet as much as Jie Jie :p However, he enjoyed coming to the event every bit since he could catch fighter jets in action, eat his favourite KFC or pizza, gorge on the tidbits without Mummy's nagging and relax under the stars. Too bad, this year, the fighter jets only flew by once and the fireworks were blocked by the large large rainforest tree. Nevertheless, it was a great evening for all of us. Till next BUTS...

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With God's love, we have been blessed with three wonderful kiddos. I hope to jot down as many events and details as we journey along this life. One day, when the kids grow up, they have this space to refer to bring back many fond memories and laughter.

With love!

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