- Thursday, May 31, 2007

Sky's going back for holiday programme - "Little Chef". Hope he has no problem adapting back to school life after a one-week term break.
- Thursday, May 31, 2007
- Thursday, May 17, 2007
All of them shared this cake.
Sky having fun with cousins
Busy eating
- Thursday, May 17, 2007
Gotten a barney jelly cake for his school celebration.

The children can't keep their hands off the cake while we trying to light the candle.
Cake eating time.
- Sunday, May 13, 2007
- Sunday, May 13, 2007
- Friday, May 04, 2007
Suddenly recalled that I watch a no. of k-dramas while preggie with her..Me, being the emotional kind will watch those touching serial with tears. Don't tell me this emotional streak is being passed to her unknowingly & it's passed over 3x!
- Thursday, May 03, 2007
Saw this in another blog & it's really funny.
Parenting Styles
Old way:
"put on your shoes!"... "i said put on your shoes!"... why are they not on yet?"...etc
New way:
"what shoes are you wearing today? your trainers or your sandals?"
Old way:
"hurry up and eat your food!"
New way:
"what bowl/spoon do you want to use today? the white one or the blue one?"... "would you like to finish dinner quickly and go to the playground, or finish slowly and go straight to the bath?"
Old way:
"go to bed. it's time for bed. it's late"
New way:
"it's bedtime. are you going to hop there like a kangaroo, or slither like a snake?" ...and..."which story do you want...the dog one or the cat one?"..."who is switching off the light?...you or me?"
When they get very 'otherwise' despite well-phrased attempts, then, instead of yelling, offer options in a calm manner but with a difference that now one of those options may no longer be in the child's favour. This encourages him to think carefully about the repercussions of his choices, i.e. to think wisely.
When child is throwing himself on the floor not wanting to co-operate, don’t simply carry the child away. Ask him, “would you like to hold mommy's hand nicely and walk to the bathroom, or would like mommy to carry u instead?" After the child decides, respond again in a calm manner, "ok, stand up nicely now then I will carry you" or "ok, hold my hand now and let's walk there quietly."
When they still do not oblige after a few promptings, then give them a time-out equivalent in minutes to the child's. Only do this in a safe place, and for kids 2.5/3yrs and up, and save it as a last resort.
Again, don’t simply carry the child away. Offer him options. If you have exhausted all others then the time-out option can be offered as an alternative to whatever you would like him to do. Remember, anything used in excess will become ineffective.
Old way:
"#*$(*@ blah blah blah! "
New way:
"would you like to go to the bathroom nicely, or would you like to go for a 2 minute time-out instead?"
The parenting style now is so different from the old times. Even my mum admitted that there are new ways of teaching children which she need to learn & apply on my 2 naughty baobeis.
Take for today, through the teacher, my mum learnt that she has to say a proper goodbye to Sky when she's leaving instead of doing a quiet stunt. Thank God that Sky has no problem adapting to the school & happily say "bye" to Ah-ma. The headache now is however on the school van. Sky don't seem to like to school van Uncle & cried the minute he's put up to the van. Hope tmr will be better.
- Wednesday, May 02, 2007