Thursday, May 11, 2006Letting my DH taking care of the kids can be v. challenging (for me!). Just las Sat, i was needed to be at work for a few hrs.
I casually SMS DH while at work: "How's the kids?"
Reply: "Shannon is drinking detergent"
Wat! I wasted no time in calling Jason to check out what happen. "U noe, Siti is busy with hsework so i dun hv enough hands to take care your 2 baobeis. Skyler is busying walking but to the wrong places.. (he always like to venture into toilet which i dun understand why. This particular area of the house whether it's in Ah Ma or our place always seems to fascinate him alot!!!!) Shannon is standing on the ikea stool meddling with the cap of the small baby bottle cleaner and inside there's a little bit of liquid. I ask her if she did drink it and she nodded her head" Rattling the reply
Till now, we are also not sure if Shannon did drink that liquid
Can't you do something more constructive than letting them hang around in the kitchen. Get Shannon to do some coloring, watch vcds, read story books or play her toys..There's so many things to do!
So my DH, if you are reading this, dun forget you had a track record. I hvn't forget you ever let Shannon ate dog food (although it's just one tiny dog biscuit) before!! *exasperated*