- Saturday, January 31, 2009
- Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Lustrous green field for people to fly kites and laze around. We happen to see a couple taking bridal shots and the 2 baobeis are mesmerized by them.

Sky taking a rest enjoying the cool breeze before going off.
- Sunday, January 18, 2009
Seth's Weight: 2.9kg
Counting down to seeing Seth! From now on, it will be a weekly visit to Dr Tan. Got a bit scared when Dr Tan advised that i have to watch the bb's movement carefully as this labour may be fast! But indeed, i have been feeling lotsa Braxton Hicks Contraction these few weeks. Let's see my checklist:
1. Prepare for gifts exchange. Asked Sky what he wants to get for Seth when he come out, he said "small car". Asked him again what he wants Seth to get for him, he answered "BIG car"...hmmmm logicial enough.
2. Pack bag - must do it by this week.
3. The kids' bed was delivered since last Wednesday and the kids has been sleeping with the maid in their room. Shan settled in pretty fast. Sky on the other hand, needs me to pat him or sleep with him till he sleep before i could go out of the room. All is well except last nite, when he came in the room crying for mummmy at 2am.. Was too tired to bring him back and he ended up cuddling in our bed till morning. I must be more discipline.
4. BB's clothes - washed. Realised that there's not much space left in the kids' wardrobe to put Seth's stuff.
- Sunday, January 18, 2009

- Saturday, January 03, 2009
- Friday, January 02, 2009
- Thursday, January 01, 2009
Moments of the year
1. The kids' ah gong (My FIL) had liver cancer and passed away in a span of 6mths. Thanks God for his salvation at the very last stage.
2. Having to deal with Amnio Test. I'm still thankful for this time where my faith is tested and strengthened.
3. Lymph nodes swollen beginning of the year and went through few tests by ENT surgeon. Knowing health is wealth which i always took for granted.
4. Financial downturn.
Highlights of the year
1. Sky started childcare.
2. Sky's speech has improved much at the 2nd half of the year.
3. Shannon & Sky able to bathe themselves from head to toe. This happened when ah ma came to help during the maidless period. Ah Ma being the do-not-want-to-pamper her grandchildren kind, made them shower by themselves. Subsequently, the kids did not like the next indo maid that came along and simply do not want the maid to touch them. With Ah-ma's supervision, they still shower by themselves. With another change of maid, the kids are back to showering by the new filip maid. Occasionally, they still shower by themselves. I'm paranoid though.
4. Extended family trip to Australia - Finally, we get to go to a trip as a whole family including ah ma, ah gong & ah yi.
5. Shannon weaned off from bottles. She's now drinking fresh milk daily.
6. Sky is fully toilet trained.
7. Sky's great virgin performance on stage.
8. Preggie with #3
Personal Goals for 2009
1. Get back to shape after giving birth (LOL!)
2. Determine to go through bible reading this year.
3. Spending time individually with each kid (Dunno how, but have to find a way).
4. Spending more couple time (errr…provided I can fulfill goal #3??)
5. Complete a project during my 4mths maternity leave. (e.g. getting a driving license..something I had been procrastinating!! or .....)
- Thursday, January 01, 2009
Ah Yi: (busy downloading show from web)...I'm downloading the show..
Shannon: What is "downloading"?
Ah Yi: (thinking how best to describe) Err...it's streaming (HELLO, sis, this word is more "chim" than "downloading" loh!
Shannon: What is "streaming"
Shannon: (before Ah Yi could think of better way to response) I know, it's "downloading"!
Can't help but burst into laughter & Shan laughed along with us....in the end, I don't think Shan understand what "downloading" means..
- Thursday, January 01, 2009
- Thursday, January 01, 2009

This xmas tree has been with us for the last 7 yrs and still going strong.

The kids teachers are so sweet to post their self made Xmas Card to us as a pleasant surprise.
- Thursday, January 01, 2009