Introducing...BB Seth
Friday, October 24, 2008Realised that there's no posts on my 3rd bb..
Yes, my 3rd baobei is a boy!
This preg has been a test of my strength and faith. At 12 wks, my gynae set me up for OSCAR test. Subsequently, I got a call to inform me that the blood test (which consituted part of the OSCAR test) results were not so good and there's possibility of down's. I was asked to go for amnio test for down's confirmation. It probably wouldn't be so bad if not for the waiting time. Amnio test could only be done at 16 wks and results would only be known another 3-4wks later. It was the longest two mths. But God is between, we had a holiday and that somehow took my mind off this for a while.
Proverbs 3:5 "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding". This is constantly in my prayers and God is indeed faithful. Within 2 wks after the amnio test, I got a call fm gynae's office on the good news!! Subsequently, the detailed scan at 20wks also affirmed that bb Seth is healthy!