- Monday, July 31, 2006
The 2 baobeis are finally well & completely recovered from the dreadful HFMD. To celebrate, we decide to bring Ah Ma (she deserve the most credit for taking care of them singlehandly for a week) out for a good lunch. While the baobeis' Ah Yi is enjoying dim sum in HK, we are not missing out by eating dim sum in SG too.
At Tien Court in Copthorne King's Hotel

After lunch, we went to Botanical Gdns for a breathe of fresh air. But by then, shannon is fast asleep.

We hit home as soon as the sky turns dark & that ends the day of "celebration".
At Tien Court in Copthorne King's Hotel

After lunch, we went to Botanical Gdns for a breathe of fresh air. But by then, shannon is fast asleep.

We hit home as soon as the sky turns dark & that ends the day of "celebration".
- Sunday, July 30, 2006
- Saturday, July 29, 2006
Both Sky & Shannon are sick again! Shannon was having fever over the weekend out of the blue. We were quite worried as her CC reported 2 cases of HFMD. Today, our fears are confirmed when teacher Neela called to inform that they found ulcers in her lips and tongue. DH rushed to bring Shannon to GP for check. The GP on the other hand advised that it doesn't seems like a full blown HFMD case but suggested Shannon to rest at home for a week.
Sky is not any better. He's having the running nose, phlegm and fever again. He's sprouting more teeth at the same time & this seem to worsen the situation.
This happen at a bad timing with the maid not around and poor Ah ma has to juggle with the two grouchy baobeis.
God, pls heal them fast!
Sky is not any better. He's having the running nose, phlegm and fever again. He's sprouting more teeth at the same time & this seem to worsen the situation.
This happen at a bad timing with the maid not around and poor Ah ma has to juggle with the two grouchy baobeis.
God, pls heal them fast!
- Tuesday, July 25, 2006

As dh's army unit is in charge in this yr's NDP, we had the privilege to get tixs to the NDP full dress rehearsal this year. Along with ah ma & ah yi, all of us went for the show yesterday. Boy, the crowd is exactly like National Day itself! Majority are clad in red too! It's always heartwarming to watch NDP live in National stadium. Year after year, NDP gets better and better!
Sky's favourite part is watching planes & parachutes coming in & keep shouting "bird"! This year, Fireworks are the highlight as it practically lasted throughout the show. As we are sitting on the last 2nd rows, we are given umbrellas to prevent fireworks raining down to us. This create some excitement. The kids esp Shannon were fascinated though at some point quite scared since it's jus above us!
Happy Birthday, Singapore!
- Sunday, July 09, 2006
The kids are usually in tees & pants when they sleep as I don't have a habit of putting them in pyjamas. Today, Ah ma bought a set of Hello Kitty Pyjamas for Shannon. Looking at how cute Shannon is in her pyjamas, i think i will be getting more pyjamas for kids to wear in future.

- Monday, July 03, 2006
This mummy got a call by nbyn for a FOC makeover cum photoshoot. In return, we will get 2 images in a CD-ROM. Afraid that it may ended with pushy salestalk, I have been postponing the appt for few weeks since the two kids were sick. However, they are persistent and called me couple of times. Since there's nothing on after church yesterday & being curious and "cheapo" to get the free shot, we went for it y'day. Only being there, we realise that the whole thing will last for 2 hours! They provide a makeup (for me only) & offered two different looks. The kids were shag out at the end of the session as they missed their naps!
Da-duh...the end result..

Luckily they were not pushy & we "got away" with the foc shots.
Da-duh...the end result..

Luckily they were not pushy & we "got away" with the foc shots.
- Monday, July 03, 2006